ReWork App Prototype | Week 3
Week Overview:
This week was focused on developing a stronger understanding of the target users and how they interact with current applications.
Using the previously established User Persona Hypothesis’, a contextual inquiry strategy was developed to target on-campus art students. The initial strategy is to conduct two user interviews and two contextual inquiries.
User Research was initiated; using the pre-established user hypothesis’, I arranged for interviews with two students (and reached out to a local SME, Denver ReCreative. In preparation for these interviews, initial app sketches were crafted, an initial site map was developed, and a draft of interview questions were developed.
A Visual Design Strategy was developed. Visual Design elements will be determined through a series of A/B testing and User Surveys, determining what visual elements best appeal to the target audience. The following color palettes have been compiled and will be delivered to users for feedback and rating.
Additionally, a problem statement and a vision statement were drafted, using preliminary market research and ongoing user interactions. Initial site sketches were initiated, displaying a structure that features key items such as a wishlist, user connections, and ad creation elements.
Weekly Goals:
System Concept Statement (due October 9)
Contextual Inquiry Strategy (due October 9)
Existing System Inquiry & Use Strategy (due October 9)
Weekly Outcomes:
Contextual Inquiry Strategy
The Contextual Inquiry will gain insights into the user’s goals, allowing me to better understand and revise my user personas. Users will be art students, selected from the Auraria Campus. By conducting contextual inquiries on campus, I hope to capture the headspace of users in their natural purchasing habitat.
Interviews/Observations should take no more than 10 minutes per app, and will be recorded using a video camera for documentation and later reference. Additionally, notes will be taken describing distinct user actions, responses, and goal/motivation insights.
System Concept Statement
ReWork is an app that facilitates the buying and selling of used art supplies between college students. Users will be able to buy, sell, or loan items such as drawing supplies, cameras, books, etc. The app will replace the faltering industry retail art stores and will utilize the ease and comfort of online shopping. Where online vendors like Amazon fail to provide cheap, intuitive selling options, ReWork will make it easy for students to sell old supplies, benefiting them financially and ethically. The system will also have a faster turn-around time than online vendors like eBay, and will more easily facilitate product quality assurance. Ultimately, the service will allow users to track items in their area and will create a self-sustaining culture of student artists, saving users the time, money, and hassle of online buying/selling.
Problem Statement crafted
Research indicates that 90% of consumers conduct purchases online and that eCommerce will continue to displace industry retail stores within the coming years. User research has revealed that nearly 50% of consumer purchases are motivated by comfort, cost, quality assurance, and sustainability. Consumer data indicates that online purchasing (from sources such as Amazon, eBay, etc.), the aforementioned usurper of physical industry retail, fails to satisfy speed and quality, and often fails to satisfy sustainability.
Vision Statement crafted
Utilizing a more image-based framework and individual-oriented content structure, as well as a localized service structure, ReWork will allow users to purchase high-quality products with relative ease and comfort. Additionally, ReWork will synthesize the selling process that larger online vendors such as eBay fail to facilitate. These features will capitalize on both the convenience of online shopping and the cost and quality-assurance of industry retail, filling the mounting market gap.