ReWork App Prototype | Week 9
Week Overview:
A mood board was created based on results from Surveys 1, 2, and 3, as well as User Interviews, meeting the requirements of illustrative visual styles, blue-magenta color palettes, and rounded typography.
A style guide was initiated. User Interviews and Surveys indicate a popularity with a lower-case typographic approach, using the font family Houschka Rounded. A color palette was delineated based on A/B testing, featuring the following colors.
Additionally, written guidelines were developed for each of the “condition” options of products within ReWork. This implementation stemmed from two wireframe interviews wherein subjects mentioned that they would like to see definitions for each “condition” option when creating a new ad.
The result was the following:
Thumbnail sketches and a couple hi-fidelity designs were constructed in pursuit of a logo for the app. Ultimately it was determined through A/B testing that a simple, typographic logo would be most beneficial to the ReWork app, as a typographic logo best appeals to the minimalist aesthetic preferences of the primary and secondary personas (See Survey #1).
From these mockup options, further A/B testing was conducted with users stand-ins Tia Tuyet and Dax Valdez to confirm a successful logomark for the app. The final result incorporated the circular illustrative logomark with the bolded Europa Typography.
After the logo was finalized, motion graphics for the loading screen were developed and tested via A/B testing.
The following were the options presented to survey participants:
The Proof of Concept Video has not been finished due to time constraints, but a rough cut has been published and can be seen below. I hired a voiceover artist on Fiverr to match the light, upbeat tone of the video and have established a rough audio bed. Additionally, key frames have been established with a few simple animations complete. The video is looking to be ~50 seconds long and details a light problem statement, solution statement, and app functionality. The video focuses more heavily on the buying aspects of the app because survey and user interview research indicates that a the primary audience for this video will be buyers, not sellers, although I do intend to encourage the selling functionality of the app as it is a symbiotic relationship.
Weekly Goals:
Lo-Fi Product Design (due November 18)
Proof of Concept Video: Final Video (due November 18)