ReWork App Prototype | Week 12

Week Overview:

The final ReWork working prototype was completed and published online. The online version of the ReWork working prototype can be found here.

Additionally, a fully interactive version of the prototype has been embedded below:


User Personas were finalized, incorporating more accurate imagery and stylized descriptions. A PDF of the final User Personas can be found here.

Additionally, an executive summary was craft, outlining the strategies and outcomes of the Goal Directed Design Strategy.

The executive summary runs as follows:

ReWork is an app that was conceptualized to fulfill the market need of a dynamic art supply retail application that allows low-budget artists to recycle old supplies by buying and selling materials from one another locally. The app concept appeals to altruistic motivations, financial motivations, and quality motivations. Competitive research on similar applications, including eBay, Denver ReCreative, Hobby Lobby, and Depop, indicate a viable market niche that ReWork can viably inhabit. Users indicate that traditional retail stores fail to deliver cheap cost, availability assurance, and temporal deference. Qualitative data from market research and user interviews indicate that ReWork will provide a viable solution to low-budget art students. Localized functionality and a user-oriented gallery layout will ensure ReWork’s appeal to college art students aged 19-30. Qualitative data also indicates that, given the Gen-Z/Millennial audiences of ReWork, the visual aesthetic of the application will have an intensive impact on users’ reception of the app. Quantitative data indicates the success of an energetic and professional visual design strategy, utilizing youthful, evergreen design styles and assets. Using human-centered research methods, three key user taskflows were extrapolated; an filterable buying process, a linear selling process, and a simple “wishlist” process. The final ReWork working prototype meets the key user taskflows and takes into account additional taskflows, including a comprehensive, easily accessible messaging system, an easily accessible darkmode feature, and a user sign-up process. 

Additionally, the final Goal Directed Design Strategy was finalized, coming out to 38 pages of content (excluding biliography).

The final Goal Directed Design Strategy can be viewed here, as an interactive PDF.

Weekly Goals:

  • Final Formal Presentation

Weekly Outcomes:

Bryan McDonaldRework