Prometheus | Character Design

Prometheus | Character Design


Created as an experimentation in character and costume design, this image was concepted and drafted to present a concept superhero. The project brief called for a mythology-influenced character design with relevant costuming and poses. The project called for a Support character (not a character intended for direct action).

I developed the concept around the Greek god Prometheus, best known for his capacity to imbue sentience into nonsentient objects. Utilizing both classical Greek and Hebrew aesthetics, I created a costume reminiscent of an armored sculptor.




I began the process with a series of character silhouettes, exploring elements of costume and shape language to develop a unique character outline.


Posing & Detail Exploration

After developing a general silhouette direction, I began working through the character’s personality, posing, and costume layers through a process of quick thumbnail sketching.


High Fidelity Sketches

Having worked through the initial challenges of the character’s design, I began developing high-fidelity composition sketches for the final image.

Bryan McDonaldconcept design