Dominos Design Sprint | Week 1

Project Overview and Initial Research

The first week of the design sprint has been fairly light; most of our time has been spent familiarizing ourselves with the team and conducting a preliminary marketing audit. Each member of the team (five members) was assigned an area of the marketing overview to research, uploading our content to a shared google drive so that it could be referenced by all.

Our goal is to create a mobile app that can be used to make group orders online. In this digital age where traditional restaurants are competing with delivery services such as DoorDash and Grubhub, it will be difficult develop a unique positioning plan for this Dominos app. We will also be faced with the competition of other pizza chains, such as Pizza Hutt and Papa Johns, who are paralleling Dominos' migration into the tech world. Consequently, much of our preliminary research focused on Dominos' current tech assets and partnerships, searching for a medium that might set our app apart from the vast sea of culinary competitors.