Dominos Design Sprint | Week 3

Sketching and Wireframing

This week was more hands-on. Building off of last week's work, we have developed our basic brainstorming notes/sketches into a more refined set of wireframe sketches.

Each of us developed a different option for the app, but all of our designs tried to address our predetermined user needs. In my work, I focused on the "Group" aspect of our app, attempting to develop a clean, simple service that supplies the user with a sense of "collaboration".

The group order feature is a key feature that will differentiate our app from others in the market, and so we have decided to make this the central focus of the app. No matter what the user does inside our app, they should feel like they are working in a collaborative order space.

Consequently, I tried to centralize the interactive elements of the app that will make it feel collaborative. These elements included: easy group creation, remote order creation, anonymous meal voting, and group payment. I have tried to keep these elements simplistic, treating the app more like an interactive game than a corporate ordering service.