Dominos Design Sprint | Week 4

Prototyping/Team Rating

Our prototyping process developed a little quicker than planned; we were able to move ahead with our fundamental prototypes and develop an interactive, hi-fidelity mockup with Marvel.

I've found that Marvel is the most engaging method of prototyping for me, as the designer. The program is intuitive and allows for quick/gratifying progress.

Currently, our biggest obstacle is finding a balance between having a diversity of content and having an intuitive interface. When ordering a pizza, the modern consumer wants full control of variables such as toppings, crust thickness, etc. This need for total control makes it difficult for the pizza app designers to develop a simple and intuitive interface; we have to consider questions such as "how can we allow groups to customize their orders without making the process to confusing or complex?"

So far, we've found that these complex interactive problems require more unconventional visual solutions. Creating distinct, interactive visual assets has helped us solve some of the more difficult issues, such as the obstacle of creating a "group" atmosphere in which users feel that they are actually collaborating on an order.

Our team is working has been functioning well, and we seem to have decent chemistry together (though I can't speak for everyone on that front). Given the circumstances (the confusion of class scheduling and the business of everyone's personal schedules), I think our team has performed exceptionally. As a whole, we have been able to communicate comfortably and collaboratively with one another, working as a team to develop a strong product.

Our team leader, Noelle, has done an excellent job of keeping our tasks and priorities in order. Once the initial confusion of class schedules was alleviated, Noelle took over management of the google drive and has kept it nicely populated with relevant content. She has had a hand in all of our prototype phases, and has provided valuable ideas and insights throughout our development process.

Jacob contributed a great deal to our competitive research and has done a great job of ideating user workflows. He has created high-quality prototypes/sketches and has greatly assisted with the final Marvel prototype of our app.

Luis did a lot of heavy ideating during our sketching/brainstorming phase, and was responsible for some of the fundamental functions that our app now contains. I've found that Luis is very adept at pivoting ideas; he exudes a positive and receptive attitude to every new development possibility. Luis has also been great at providing progress checks and research updates to the rest of the group.

Cal has been a great initiator of communication over the last few weeks and has asked important questions that kept our design on track. He has helped with the organization of out-of-class work and has put a lot of work into our final app prototype.

Although I don't usually like to assign numbers to the people I work with, here are the results if I had to rate my teammates:

Noelle: 5

Jacob: 4

Luis: 4

Cal: 4